
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Get Your Game On

Games make for a great Super Bowl party. They keep the big game fun and engaging for football novices. If someone doesn’t understand the rules, they are not going to enjoy the game. I like to give them something else to do. I also give away fun prizes—always a crowd pleaser, especially for the kids.

The first time I had a Super Bowl party, I hired a babysitter and set up a “kid zone” with video games, movies, toys, crafts, etc. I was surprised that they all ended up watching the game with the adults and my babysitter money was wasted. They desperately wanted to go home with a prize and were hyper-focused on winning.

Tongue Fumble:
This is the kids’ favorite game. They hide and lurk waiting for someone to fumble. Anyone who wants to play is given 10 poker chips as they arrive. We use small plastic cups to hold them—they were bought on clearance and say “Super Bowl XXXVII” Since no one ever takes the time to make the Roman numeral conversion, it has gone unnoticed for 8 years. (OK Dr. Thomson, the college professor noticed, but I don’t think he counts, he notices everything.).

A list of words is posted for everyone to see. These are words players are not allowed to say. If someone catches a player saying one of those words, they have to hand over one chip. At the end of the evening, the winner is the person with the most chips. House Rule: No combining chips. The words I use are: team, ball touchdown, quarterback, Super Bowl, and pass.

The large sign I made in 2003 did not survive the year in my attic. This year I printed out labels to put on the cups. I also made small signs. I am going to laminate them to use as placemats on the TV trays.

Instead of chips you could also use football player cards or pennies. This year I found these adorable silver football helmets in the craft aisle.

Stay tuned for future posts on Bingo, football trivia, and the game pool.

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