
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Are you ready for some football?!

Gooooooo team! If you are a football fan, you are watching faithfully as teams vie for a champion slot in the Super Bowl. If you are like me, all you want to know is what color to decorate with for the party.

Waiting makes this uber organized planner hyper-ventilate as the calendar ticks closer to Super Sunday. Color is an important party detail. It affects everything from the decorations to the napkins, to the frosting on the cake. And there is nothing you can do, but wait. My super powers are organization and time-management, not patience. As super powers are often genetic, Shelley is missing that gene, too.

Super Bowl is, hands down, my favorite party of the year—and I don’t even care about football. Over the years I have developed games and activities that make it fun for everyone—the serious sports critic (I call him the recliner quarterback), the I-played-football-in-high-school-and-listen-to-sports-radio-for-the-highlight-so-everyone-thinks-I-watched-the-big-game-but-I-work-60-hours-a-week-and-have-4-kids-so-we-all-know-I-have-no-free-time fan (I call him Darling Husband), the woman who asked her brother-in-law if the Detroit Tigers made the football playoffs this year (If you don’t know what is wrong with that question, this is you. It is also me.), the five-year-old boy who asks 300 questions before the games starts and 3000 before half-time, and the teenager who wants to learn more about football, but thinks he is too cool to ask any questions, young, old, male, female, the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker.

It is time to send out your invitations. According to, the Super Bowl XLVI in Indianapolis will air on Sunday, February 5th at 6:00 p.m., ET and it will appear on the NBC network. The game time will begin at 3:00 p.m., PT on the west coast. This means that kickoff will probably be at 6:30 (they have to introduce everyone and do a coin toss first). If you set your party start time at 5:30pm ET, your guests will have enough time to say their hellos, fix a plate of food, and find their favorite viewing spot in time for the kickoff. Go team party planner!

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